
  1. Mike
  2. Sherlock Holmes Well-Known Questionnaire
  3. News Articles
  4. Monday, 09 March 2020
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CryptoBot has recieved a new major update!

You may now ask him how much a coin or token is worth.

Ask things like:

"What's the price of BTC?"

"What's the price of ETH?"

"Whats the Price of LTC?"

"Whats the price of XYO?"

"What's the price of BNB?"


Screenshot 20200309 203116 Telegram
CryptoBot will then fetch the current price of the coin or token online and tell you it's value in USD and Euro!
At the moment he only supports BTC, ETH, LTC, BNB, and XYO.
We will be adding more soon and we would appreciate it if you could comment below what coins or tokens you'd like CryptoBot to know. We can easily add more coins just tell us below!
All data is fetched from
Don't forget you can call him and ask him for a price anytime.
For up to date information on CryptoBot CLICK HERE.
Thanks for all of your support and we hope you enjoy the new feature!
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  1. William
  2. 4 years ago
  3. #84
  1. Sonja
  2. 4 years ago
  3. #110
The bots helpful
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